Tuesday, 12 May 2020

immunity boosters


Immunity boosters food we take at time of Covid-19 to make ourselves healthy and wealthy ..

solutions to the pandemic

Coming up to the solution to the pandemic that is Covid-19. 
The pandemic will take time and this is sure that we cannot live in the lockdown go forever. 
Hence what we can do to be protective against the Covid-19 ..
We have to first understand that is just not about that the government has to take care but it's the duty of each citizen that they have to keep in mind the preventive measures.
I.e -
1) Maintain social distance
2) Wash you hands regularly
3) Cover your face with the mask.

Also, we have to take care of our immunity.
To boost our immunity we should be careful that we intake vitamin c fruits nad vegetables ..
Have lots and lots of water 
Do exercise and stay at home if it's not necessary to go out.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Economic growth decrease

Another issue of lockdown is 
Decrease in economic growth ..

It's unbelievable to see that some of the best countries are also have been declined in the economic .. 

People are becoming jobless.. and unemployment is increasing more and more.

If we think of solution to it then removing the lockdown is the only thing that can help to Decrease the unemployment from the country 

And the public has to become more careful and have to follow the measures.. 


If we move forward and think that since the lockdown is done to protect ourselves from Covid-19 ..but still there are people who will be jobless and die because they do not money to survive ..
It's about the workers ..
Who work on daily basis .. 
As we have seen in the news that due to lockdown they are facing huge problem and they decided to go by walking and reach to there native places to make them secure in favour of having food for themselves and family...

The government started plan by giving them free food and asked them to stay at there places as this will be very problematic if this will happen... 

But still they are facing problem to which the govt decided to send them to there native places .. by rail waays .. 

There was recent news of workers...
I like to share there news .. 

These situations really make the needy ones .. difficult to survive ... 

I request you all to help them ..
Atleast if each of us ..help one ..one ..then they too will survive this lockdown ...

As our honorable Prime minister ..
Quoted one line on ..the lockdown..that is 
If there is life, there is world. 

Hence we all have to each other to survive this lockdown ....

some solutions to stay healthy in lockdown

As we are talking on the lockdown ...Due to lockdown the sechudle of us have been misbalanced.. due to which some if may have sleeping problems and many more things ... 
You can get solutions to it .. by seeing these information related to the disorders that .. came up at time of lockdown ..


As we are locked in our homes. . then what we can do to make ourselves fit and healthy.. 

The Corona virus educated us many things .. and had shoes many server facea..
Due to lockdown in the country ... I.e. 
and in other too ..

We with our busy schedules not able to get time to spent with our families ..the lockdown actually helping to engage with our family. 
If we are self Qurartine..in the homes ..  then we can work on ourselves by increasing our skills and knowledge.. 

As we all internet is boon in this novel Covid-19 .. 
Therefore .. we can use these times to enhance our skills and gain more knowledge.😃

Lockdown .

Lockdown is done due to Covid-19 ..
It means to do make ourselves self Qurartine .. and protect ourselves from Covid-19. ..

Some of us may having questions also like ii's this will help out .. 

Here you can chk out and know more about .. 

How to prevent yourself ... from Covid-19..


To the Covid-19 solution and to take care each person in the India .. 
Our honorable Prime minister.. Narendra Modi have introduced the app ..
That is Aroyga Setu ..
This app is very helpful .and itself so our self analyses .. 
We all should .. download this app in our mobile phones... 
This also help you to keep an update over the news of Covid-19 .. 

I share you the information and video how to get download the AROYGA SETU ...

Check these links and you will able to know about the app and how beneficial it is .
 You must install it 🌎

Doctors , scientists , technologist all are finding the vaccine for the Covid-19 some have given the response positive .. but still it will take time to come out in the market ..
Till then ..what all we can do ..

Since we all are in lockdown.. but looking to the scenarios .. of lockdown day by day the economic growth will be decreasing which will lead to unemployment .. 
Already there are many countries where the economic sectors have been declined .. 
For eg - USA .. 
It's true that we cannot live forever in the lockdown .. therefote it's our duty vto become self caring and protect ourselves ..
It's common that each of us when listen about of diseases we say what about vaccines.. 
Have they been made ...
How will the patients will get treated .. 
Answer to the question is lots and lots of researchers , doctors and technicalities have been busy finding the vaccine for them .. and luckily some of them have given the positive response .....
One such is PLASMA THERAPY ...


Italy has founded the vaccine .. they have find out through mice .. the move antibodies will help the human body to get prevented by corona virus ..

 Check this out too...

As we all know .. watching out the scenarios of other countries our honorable
Prime minister - Narendra Modi .. 
Declared the lockdown from 25 March till 14 of the April.. and then from 15 April to 3 May. 
The lockdown actually will help in maintaining the social distancing of the people... 
In India there till now cases are -  
Recovery ratio - 19, 358
Death ratio-  2109 ...

And if talk about world wide 
The  CONFIRMED CASES have been reached to.. 4.06M

Prevention we all should follow strictly .. to fight with this pandemic

The simple and helpfup preventive measure that we can take are :-
Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Stay home if you feel unwell.
If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance.
Follow the directions of your local health authority.
Avoiding unneeded visits to medical facilities allows healthcare systems to operate more effectively, therefore protecting you and others.
After reading the Covid-19 blog some of you have questions that from it came and what all we can do protect ourselves ..here I m sharing you the link where the 

Go through it ..it will definitely helping you out ... 


Covid-19 or commonly called as corona virus .. 
What is it actually .. let's find out .. 
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.


COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.
Most common symptoms:
dry cough
Less common symptoms:
aches and pains
sore throat
loss of taste or smell
a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes.

Serious symptoms:
difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
chest pain or pressure
loss of speech or movement.

Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility.
People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home.
On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.


What is disease , what are its types and how does it caused ??
Let's find out 
Inshort disease is an illness of the body in humans, animals or plants. 
Types of diseases ...
There are four main types of disease: infectious diseases, deficiency diseases, hereditary diseases(including both genetic diseases and non-genetic hereditary diseases), and physiological diseases.
Diseases can also be classified in other ways, such as communicable versus non-communicable diseases

Causes, Symptoms and prevention of diseases - one such example is - 
Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many organisms live in and on our bodies. They're normally harmless or even helpful. But under certain conditions, some organisms may cause disease.

Some infectious diseases can be passed from person to person. Some are transmitted by insects or other animals. And you may get others by consuming contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms in the environment.

Signs and symptoms vary depending on the organism causing the infection, but often include fever and fatigue. Mild infections may respond to rest and home remedies, while some life-threatening infections may need hospitalization.

Many infectious diseases, such as measles and chickenpox, can be prevented by vaccines. Frequent and thorough hand-washing also helps protect you from most infectious diseases.

As it's about disease the most common disease that has affected around the world is CORNOA VIRUS .. 



Saturday, 9 May 2020




Overpopulation 🌎


OVERPOPULATION occurs when a species' populations exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecologically niche. It can result from an increase in births , a decline in the mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources.When overpopulation occurs, individuals limit available resources to survive.


Steps to Reduce the GLOBAL WARMING causes are :-

1) Afforestation
2) Reduce, reuse and recycle
3) Less use of hot water
4) Switch off the lights when not in the use.
5) Spread awareness


With the ongoing busy life and in rush to make future bright..
We have become selfish and destroying 
Nature day by day.
If we start focusing on the world realted problems.
The first thing , comes out to be:
A) GLOBAL WARMING is the ongoing rise of the average temperature of the earth's climate system and has been demonstrated by direct temperature,measurements and by measurements of various effects of the warming. 
It is a major aspect of climate change which, in addition to rising global surface temperatures,also includes its effects, such as changes in precipitations.While there have been prehistoric peroid of global warming observed changes since the mid-20th century have been unprecedented in rate and scale.

According to IPCC, concluded that the GLOBAL WARMING mainly due to human influence that cause the destruction to the climate change. Hence it has larger emission to the green house effects. 


In this world, we all are busy earning money to make our future bright.
Due to this we don't even realise that what we have destroyed just to fullfill our needs.

Aspirations or Hope to introduce the world realted problems through this blog and with that a rise of solution to them.

Hope for best  
Hope for smile
Makes your 
Future bright.. 

immunity boosters

https://images.app.goo.gl/HYmLMD2f8mPtHsjE8 Immunity boosters food we take at time of Covid-19 to make ourselves healthy and wealthy ..